

Power Soccer Resource

Power Soccer Resource

SportAbility has created a free, online Power Soccer resource guide to aid coaches, athletes and facilitators of Power Soccer to grow and develop the sport. This guide will give an overview of the game, rules, skill development and provide a variety of drills to be used to deliver effective and fun Power Soccer programming.

The guide is user-friendly and can be used to enhance Physical Literacy within Power Soccer programs, clubs, and communities. All drills in the resource guide are detailed and clearly explain how to execute each drill in order to build on individual’s skills. The guide offers different adaptations so as to allow for participation by all players.

As an active participant in community sports, with ongoing involvement in organized youth sports, I am grateful for the opportunity to coach SportAbility’s exceptional Vancouver Power Soccer team.

SportAbility’s Power Soccer coaching resource provides an excellent general overview of the game, with rules and situations specific to Power Soccer. I was able to combine the ideas outlined in the Power Soccer resource with my own knowledge, to create weekly practice plans that target specific Power Soccer skills. This resource is especially helpful in highlighting key skills and corresponding practice drills. Using this resource, I was able to tailor practice plans to address the various needs of the team, with an emphasis on players having fun.

I highly recommend utilizing the coaching resource provided by SportAbility, as it provides Power Soccer information which is clear, concise and user friendly.

Shayla Kaplen

Power Soccer Coach, Vancouver Lightning

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