
Please see the below message from Ken Cunningham, Technical Director of Powerchair Football Canada.

Re: Expression of Interest for Team Canada’s National Coaching Positions

In late 2014 Powerchair Football Canada (PFC) sent out an Expression of Interest for Team Canada’s national coaching positions. It was anticipated that the World Cup would be played in late 2015 or 2016. Late last year, PFC was informed by the Federation Internationale De Powerchair Football Association (FIPFA), that the upcoming World Cup would be pushed back to the summer of 2017, at the earliest.

Given this significant postponement, and the direction provided in PFC’s Team Member Handbook and Agreement, PFC is sending out a new Expression of Interest for people interested in applying for the Team Canada coaching positions. PFC encourages people interested in joining the Team Canada coaching staff to submit their application for this exciting opportunity.

At this point I am asking the Provincial Representatives to send out this Expression of Interest to each of their team representatives asking them to share the notice amongst their team and their volunteers.

Interested parties are to submit an application to kencunningham@shaw.ca by February 28th, 2016. Applications are to:

  • Confirm the applicant is interested in a coaching position with the National Team.
  • Clearly describe the level of coaching certification the applicant has acquired.
  • Clearly describe their level of involvement with power soccer.
  • Clearly describe the applicant’s local, provincial, national and international experience in coaching power soccer.
  • Clearly describe the applicant’s local, provincial, national and international experience in coaching other sports.

Please be advised that these positions are not paid positions and will require travel both nationally and internationally. Interested applicants should be aware that there will need to be a financial commitment to participate on Team Canada, as PFC is not in a position to fund travel.

Selection of these coaching positions will be completed by members of the PFC Board.

As FIPFA has just announced the World Cup will be held in July 2017 it is anticipated that the term for this year’s coach’s contracts will run through August 2017. This will allow the successful applicants to prepare and lead the Team Canada through the World Cup, and prepare the post tournament coaches’ summary and recommendations documents for the PFC Board.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at kencunningham@shaw.ca.

Ken Cunningham
Technical Director
Powerchair Football Canada