Interested in competing in Power Soccer or attending programs using your own gear? Check out our metal guard loan program! Get in touch with Jade Werger to get the loan process started!
Here are the steps you will need to follow to get your guard home:
- Complete the Application Form – include pictures of the side and front of your power chair.
- Complete the Loan Agreement Form
- Send both forms to
- SportAbility staff will review the application and get in contact with you to set up an initial meeting and assessment
- A partner of SportAbility will work to fit the metal guard to your chair
You can stay on the loan program for $100.00 per year for as long as you would like, or until the guard is paid off. You can also choose to purchase a guard from SportAbility. Depending on the parts that are used or ordered for your specific guard, the costs can range anywhere from $400.00 to $600.00.
The guard fitting process may require SportAbility’s partner to make changes to your chair. This can include adding screws and different attachments to your chair as agreed upon by the chair owner.
We look forward to helping you in your future Power Soccer endeavors!