A. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING REMINDERThe Annual General Meeting of the SportAbility /Cerebral Palsy Sports Association of British Columbia will be held on:
October 30, 2016, at 12:00pm For members outside of the Lower Mainland there will be an opportunity to attend via teleconference. It is important that as many members as possible attend so they can hear about past year successes and plans for the next year. Please contact either Ross MacDonald (rossm@sportabilitybc.ca) or Stephanie Oey (stephanieoey@sportabilitybc.ca) by email to register for the AGM. We will need to know who wants to attend and on conference at least one week prior. The AGM agenda and annual report will be sent out and posted on our website the week of the meeting.
B. CALL FOR SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS (TO AMEND THE BYLAWS) Attached are the special resolutions that will be presented to the AGM. |
The 2015-2016 Annual Report and Agenda are now available.